Board elections coming up at Annual Meeting
The Fredericksburg Food Co-op will hold its 3rd Annual Meeting Sunday, Sept. 30, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Fredericksburg Branch of the Central Rappahannock Regional Library, located at 1201 Caroline St., Fredericksburg, Va., 22401.
The annual meeting is an excellent chance to learn in detail about what the co-op is doing and how you can help.
At the meeting, co-op members will elect three board members to three-year terms running Oct. 1, 2018 – Sept. 30, 2021.
As a startup co-op, ours is a “working board,” not simply a “governing board.” All board members serve as volunteers without compensation, and they devote significant time and attention to this worthy effort. If you are interested in learning more about running for and serving on the co-op board, please e-mail Nominating Committee Chair Angie Noll.
To participate in board elections and help us move toward our goal of opening a full-service, locally focused, member-owned grocery store, become a member today.
Published May 31, 2018.