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Eating in season: October

Eating in season: October

It's time to celebrate the harvest! This is a great month to connect with some of the family-owned farms around the Fredericksburg region, as they open their doors to the public with hayrides, pumpkin patches, games, slides, food, craft beverages and much more. Fall...

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Eating in season: September

Eating in season: September

By this point in the year, many of us are ready for cozier clothes and pumpkin-spiced everything...but for a lot of this month, it's still sweltering! The good news? That hot weather keeps many of your favorite summer vegetables going strong, giving you a few weeks to...

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Food Co-op a “game changer”

Food Co-op a “game changer”

During National Farmers Market Week, the Free Lance-Star recognized the Fredericksburg Food Co-op as a potential game changer in bringing the benefits of local agriculture to our community. We’re delighted by this wonderfully supportive FLS editorial. At the heart of...

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Eating in season: August

Eating in season: August

August is a month of transitions. Just as we can go from playing at the pool to shopping for school supplies, we see the blending of summer with early fall on our plate, as well. You can still find all of summer's greatest hits at the farm stands this month, but...

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Eating in Season: July

Eating in Season: July

Be sure to read The Free Lance-Star's story about how this year's extraordinary weather patterns have affected local farmers. For the local eater, this means that many summer delicacies, such as berries, tomatoes, corn and other favorites, are lagging a few weeks...

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Eating in season: June

Eating in season: June

In June, it’s smart to start taking a bigger basket to the farmer’s market. All of a sudden, there is so much more local produce in season to choose from! What's in season this month in Fredericksburg? Look for the very last spears of local asparagus at the beginning...

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Board elections coming up at Annual Meeting

Board elections coming up at Annual Meeting

The Fredericksburg Food Co-op will hold its 3rd Annual Meeting Sunday, Sept. 30, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Fredericksburg Branch of the Central Rappahannock Regional Library, located at 1201 Caroline St., Fredericksburg, Va., 22401. The annual...

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We’ve hit the 700-member mark!

On April 17, the membership of our Fredericksburg Food Co-op reached 700! We started 2018 with 596 member-owners, and we are thrilled to have grown by more than 100 members so far this year. As our membership grows, word really seems to be getting out about the many...

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Food Co-op and Downtown Greens re-think food waste

Food Co-op and Downtown Greens re-think food waste

Part of the reason food co-ops are seeing such a resurgence around the country is that people are starting to look at the everyday task of buying groceries and food in new ways. While the Fredericksburg Food Co-op works to build a free-standing grocery store focused...

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Help us build a better grocery store.

Help us build a better grocery store.

How many times have you been in this situation at the grocery store: You’re doing your regular grocery shopping, and right there on the end-cap of the aisle is a full-color, can’t-miss-it display of some calorie-packed, diet-busting sugar load. And an argument starts....

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